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Section 504 Policy and Procedure Manual ($150.00):

Thank you for contacting us about the Section 504 Policy Manual. Any housing provider receiving federal funds who employees 15 or more people, must designate a Section 504 Coordinator. Section 504 regulations require at least one person to be designated “to coordinate” its efforts to comply with the Section 504 requirements. This designee will be your corporation’s “consultant” regarding the disability rights for employees, applicant and residents and they must be very knowledgeable of their responsibilities. In addition, this person should review policies, procedures and forms involving effective communications, reasonable accommodations, and reasonable modifications for employees, applicants and residents with disabilities. Our Section 504 Policies and Procedures manual covers all of the necessary requirements and are as follows:


Section 504 Introduction Section 504 Making Programs and Facilities Accessible
Section 504 Complying with Civil Rights Laws Section 504 Languages other than English
Section 504 Reasonable Accommodations Policy Section 504 Modification of Physical Facilities
Section 504 The Fair Housing and Civil Rights Acts Section 504 Reasonable Accommodations Procedure
Section 504 Staff Roles & Responsibilities Section 504 Discprepancy Procedures
Section 504 Communications with Persons with Disabilities Section 504 Verification of Disability
Section 504 Reasonable Accommodations Request Section 504 Section 504 Frequently Asked Questions

Our Section 504 Policy Manual is emailed in Word format for easy editing.

Save yourself some time by purchasing our all encompassing Section 504 Policy and Procedure Manual.